I am a storyteller, spoken word artist and teacher.
The stage feels like home to me. It is where I like to connect. That doesn’t mean I don’t have stage fright. I do. And a life time of tools in my pocket to help ease the tensions in my body that build up before I step into the spot light.
When I was 19, I met Cha-das-ska-dum Which-Ta-Lum from Lummi Nation, also known as Lhaq’temish, or People of the Sea. He was an elder who taught me about dreaming and storytelling. He told me, ”I tell you stories, because they will stay with you until you are ready to hear what I wanted you to know.”
I was taught through stories, and I love the personal story on stage; it moves me to the edge of my seat.
Storytelling is a way of looking and experiencing life. It is a great perspective to engage in. It is a perspective I like to teach and inspire in others.
I am a collector of stories. It is how I take pictures of my life. It’s my version of a photo album.
I am rooted in my dreams. They tell me stories. They give me direction. They show me what’s next.
Because I grew up in a German-American family, I moved from Berlin to Seattle as a teenager. I discovered spoken word and eventually became a teacher, organizer and performer in the spoken word and poetry slam scene in the USA and Germany for over 20 years. I have collaborated with cultural and educational institutions in both Germany and USA. Here you can look at a portfolio of projects, I have been a part of.
Currently I live back in my hometown Berlin. Here I am a coordinator for an anti-discrimination project that teaches young people through autobiographical storytelling. Alongside that, I teach workshops, consult and perform.
I was always told that I didn’t need to study to know the things I know. But then I went to school anyway, and I received my B.A. in Cultural Studies, Human Services, and the Performing Arts, and my M.A in Biographical and Creative Writing and recently completed a storytelling certificate at the University of Arts in Berlin. I speak German, English and am learning German Sign Language.
highlighted facts....
1996-2000: Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies, Human Services and the Performing Arts, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
2002-2006: performer and events manager for Oratrix Productions, promoting spoken word on the west coast of USA, Seattle, WA
2002-current: spoken word artist and storyteller, USA and Germany
2005-2008: Facilities and Technical Director at Richard Hugo House, Seattle, WA
2006-current: workshop facilitator in the areas of spoken word, performance, presentation and storytelling. Here is a list of institutions I have worked for, USA and Germany
2011-2015: Masters of Arts in Creative and Autobiographical Writing, Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Germany
2010-2018: artistic and project director of Shut Up and Sign*Speak, Berlin, Germany *
2015-2019: artistic director of Gender Sender, Berlin, Germany *
2015- current: conceptionalized and taught for Trans*- Ja Und?!, Berlin, Germany *
2019-2020: certificate in Storytelling in Arts and Education, University of Arts Berlin, Germany
2020-2021: #TakeCare Residency with Hebbel am Ufer, funded by Fonds Soziolkultur e.V., Berlin, Germany
2021: artistic director — Herz auf, Hand drauf, a project of Shut Up and Sign*Speak, funded by Fonds Soziolkultur e.V., Berlin, Germany
2022: #TakeHeart Residency with Hebbel am Ufer, funded by Fonds Soziolkultur e.V., Berlin, Germany
2022: artistic director — HandStimmeHerz, a project of Shut Up and Sign*Speak, funded by IMPACT, Berlin, Germany
2019- current: coordinator of anti-discrimination project of ABqueer using autobiographical storytelling as educational method, Berlin, Germany *
2024 Stipendiat*innen des Arbeits-und Recherchestipendium Darstellende Kunst/Tanz
*find out more about these projects here.